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CYSI Members

Our Dynamic CYSI Team

Praesent sodales urna eros, et fringilla neque mattis sed. Cras aliquet sodales tu

Mr. N. Karthikeyan


Mr. S. Balu

Immediate Past President / EC Member (Audit)

Mr. R.Sridhar


Mr. S.Chockalingam


Dr. R. Vivekanandan

Joint Secretary

Durai Kannaiyan

Mr. Durai Kanniyan

Joint Treasurer

Dr. V.S. Soorian

Committee Member

Mr. K.S.Madhavan

Committee Member

Mr. M. Ashokkumar

Committee Member

Mr. S.Balasubramanian

Mr. S.Balasubramanian

Committee Member

Mr. S.R. Bhuvaneswaran

Committee Member

Mr. KM.Vijayakumar

Vice President

Mr. VN.Premanand

Vice President

Mr. K. Kumaran

Joint Secretary