Cyber Security Awareness Programme at Sri Bala Vidyalaya, Chennai
Sri Bala Vidyalaya , Perambur , Chennai , invited Shri V. Kapaleeswaran, to address their students on ‘ Social Media Awareness’ on 31-Aug-2019 . The session was attended by over 200 students from various classes along with the teachers and the Principal of the school. Shri V. Kapaleeswaran, Former President of CySI addressed the students on the topic ‘Cyber Threats for students’ . The Principal of the school Ms. Santha Lakshmi , who was present through the 90 minutes session, in her thanking note lauded the efforts of CySI in spreading such awareness, which is very much required for the young children.

Principal of the School welcoming the speakers

Dr Azhagappa Raju, Chairman of the school, honoring the speaker Mr Karthikeyan, Vice President, CySI

Mr Kapaleeswaran, Former President, CySI kickstaring the session

Mr Karthikeyan, Vice President, CySI delivering his speech

Spell bound Audience

Chairman of the School with CySI officials

Session in progress