MLS., BL., PG.DPM,IR&LW, DLAL, JAIIB Committee Member, Cyber Society of India Mr.Balasubramanian is an Advocate, HR and Industrial Relations Consultant. He retired as a Deputy General Manager – HR dealing with Legal matters in Karur Vysya Bank based in Karur from...
Mr. S.R. Bhuvaneswaran
B.Com.,B.L., Criminology & Forensic Science & in Personnel Management, Industrial Relations & Labour Welfare. Committee Member, Cyber Society of India Mr.Bhuvaneswaran, is a Retd. Deputy Collector and now a Practicing Advocate in High Court, Chennai. An...
Mr. KM.Vijayakumar
MBA, D.T.Tech, DCL, PGPCL (Cyber Law) Vice President, Cyber Society of India Mr. Vijayakumar is a Senior Cyber Security Professional with over 23 years of versatile experience in the Information Security realm and work experience spread across IT, Telecom, Consulting...